Student Leadership Formación
Student Leaders Formación is a conference for student leaders and potential leaders, from over 50 countries all across Europe. We gather to learn and explore leadership in relation to God’s Kingdom.

During this course, students learn about who God is, how God created them, with what purpose, and what leadership looks like with their strengths. They explore their own context and the needs of the gospel within it.
They are challenged to learn and grow in an international learning community and to pass on their learning to others in their local context.
We believe that the growth of leaders is relevant whether the world is or is not in crisis. We want to grow young leaders, especially in their character, to help them lead others better and therefore be better equipped to grow God’s kingdom. We hope to see Europe impacted by those student leaders and their groups at Universities.
Formación is a good fit for you if:

You know Jesus and seek to know him more.

You agree with our statement of faith.

You are already serving in leadership (ideally).

You are nominated by your national movement staff or General Secretary.
Only 1-2 participants per movement are allowed in this year’s course.
This year Formación costs €350 per student (or student movement). Scholarships are available if needed. You may pay here, for yourself or someone else.
To donate to a general scholarship fund for Formación students, visit here.
All applications will be confirmed with your national movement to verify your nomination.
Registration for 2024-2025 will open on 1 January. Please use the right form according to your role at Formación.